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Node by Slush is a community and platform for startup founders and operators. Get advice from Europe’s leading founders and access investor touchpoints to leading investors through 1-on-1 meetings and investor office hours.

The community is built around monthly community events. Every month we organize virtual get-togethers with mentors and investors to help founders take their companies to the next level.

Mentoring Session is your opportunity to ask questions from someone who has already done it before. We cover burning topics every month: product building, fundraising, marketing, growth, people, leadership, expansion, PR & comms.

Investor Office Hours are an invite-only session for Node by Slush community members to interact with leading VC funds. Learn from the most experienced investors and get a glimpse of what it would be like to work with the partnering fund.

Matchmaking Sprint is an opportunity for startups to pitch their company to investors in virtual 15-minute 1-on-1 meeting slots. All you need to do is apply with 1-click and we’ll take care of the est. Several first encounters in our Sprints have led to follow-up meetings with the participating investors.